I watch Coco last year 2018 this animated movie but this movie originally released on 2017.The story begin with the family's generations-old ban on music, young Miguel dream becoming like his idol Ernesto de la Cruz. Desperate to prove his talent, he finds himself in the colorful Land of Dead after meeting a charming Trickster named Hector and the two new friends embark on an extraordinary journey to unlock the real story behind Miguel's family history. This movie also touch your heart when you watch it and Coco also is the most lively, beautiful and you can also see the new side of Pixar that you ever since before. It teaches about how important our family gives us love, support and a value for each member, especially during times of trouble and our family influence on us is life dreams and no cash equivalent can be equal in the love of our family.
Keeping physical items from the past is important - we keep old toys, grandparents' jewelry, yearbooks, dance recital programs - and we assign meaning to them. Those items become the memories, and that's a very healthy thing to do. The problems occur when we have too many of those sentimental items, and they start weighing us down.
ReplyDelete-Emily V. Gordon